
Sofia Design Week Starts Today

Something new happens in Sofia - the so long awaited design week starts today. Numerous exhibitions are scattered allover the city, but one of the most interesting events is the NEXT IDENTITY FORUM: an international event, part of the festival that gathers some of the most significant names in avant-garde design nowadays: 3 days, 17 speakers. And the first one was Ji Lee - Google Creative Lab Creative Director. It is hard to expect how influential one hour can be! One of the projects he is very famous with is The Bubble Project, but that just shows how a simple design idea can start the change .


Art In Your Home or Office

Interior design is not only about space planning or arranging and coordination of furniture and furnishings. It is also about creating an atmosphere, coziness, mood. How do we achieve that?

Through professional implementation of of all the rules of interior design for balance and coordination, but also through inspired conceptual design and use of emotionally connected to us pieces of art or anything that makes us feel good. I have showed you an excellent example of Art Furniture in Office Design that is something not many of us can allow, but the small table or any other inspiring piece of design-art is worth the investment.

There are many forms of art that we can incorporate directly into our interior design - like tiles! That can be in the form of murals or mosaics.
3rings have wonderful examples of how tiles are “the ideal


From ICFF09: Peli Design - Vindication of Plastic Furniture

Do you like plastic furniture? For me - I would say 'not really'. But have a look at these Plastic Stools from PeliDesign presented at ICFF09.
They are created with the aim to explain and show how and why plastic furniture can co-exist with wooden furniture, how plastics and wood can be fused and may be even plastics can be used to repair wooden furniture!
"The Plastic Nature is a furniture concept which exemplifies the connection of the "plastic-world" and the world of wooden furniture....When wood is machined, material is always taken away - contrary to plastic. In plastic manufacturing there is hardly any waste because plastic is cast in shapes and leftovers molten again for further casting. With the PlasticNature I wanted to fuse handmade furniture and injection-moulded plastic furniture."

picture from Core77

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