
"I would like to live here"

was my first thought when I saw this photo:Деревянный дом в бетонной оболочке в Швейцарии
I was fascinated with the view and with the way it was framed by the elegant window. Then I saw the rest of the photos and although I respect the idea and its implementation, I do find it a little boring to live surrounded only by wood. I like wood and prefer it as a material, but still think that it should be complemented by other materials and colors.Lischer Partner Architekten Planer AG-Huse holiday house, Vitznau
Lischer Partner Architekten Planer AG-Huse holiday house, Vitznau

Design team:
Lischer Partner Architekten Planer AGLischer Partner Architekten Planer AG-Huse holiday house, Vitznau

Lischer Partner Architekten Planer AG-Huse holiday house, Vitznau

And all this wood is encapsulated in concrete:
Lischer Partner Architekten Planer AG-Huse holiday house, Vitznau

What do you think?

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