The possibilities to do this are endless - only a new area rug or a comfy pillow for reading can make difference. You can even make furniture for your children's room yourself!
Foldschool cardboard furniture is a collection of free cardboard furniture for kids, handmade by you. The downloadable patterns can be printed out with any printer. Follow the instructions on www.foldschool.com and assemble a stable piece of furniture.
Reading in bed gets mor comfy now- Pillow Light from KIDSMODERN - Designer Oh Sehwan - prevents stiff necks and keeps your hands free to turn the pages.
ELK Lighting, Inc. 5096/1 - One-light Novelty Pendant | Fun Rugs? OLKS-024 - Somethin' Fishy
Bench - Rolling Cube Bench - Spider Web - Powell Furniture - 294-564
Сега, когато наближава учебната година, идеите за обзавеждане на детската стая стават все по-търсени. По-горе са показани няколко красиви и функционални мебели и аксесоари за детската стая, част от които можете да изработите и сами. Особено интересни, според мен,
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