
Color of the year 2010

I am happy to learn that Pantone has announced 15-5519 TURQUOISE as its colour of the year for 2010 - an inviting, luminous hue, combining the serene qualities of blue and the invigorating aspects of green.  
As if Pantone have consulting me when deciding - my livingroom (below)  is a pale shade of turquoise for many months already; my kitchen has it as the main color and my proffesional page is in the same color scheme, too.

“In many cultures, Turquoise occupies a very special position in the world of color,” explains Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®. “It is believed to be a protective talisman, a color of deep compassion and healing, and a color of faith and truth, inspired by water and sky. Through years of color word-association studies, we also find that Turquoise represents an escape to many – taking them to a tropical paradise that is pleasant and inviting, even if only a fantasy.”

Well, I like the first part, but hate the approach of escaping from reality, although, I do admit that it is my favorite color because it does remind me of the color of the sea in a sunny day as it looks in the shallow where the water touches the beach . 
I would rather think of it as a way of  bringing the sea and spa colors into the home and creating there a sense of wellbeing.
Turquoise is a great accent color. The picture below is from House of Turquoise, where one can get numerous inspirations for implementing this color trend in interiors designs.

And this below is an idea how to create the new Rough Luxe trend in your home with little investments - just by using some turquoise paint the 'rough way' on your old cupboards:

If you are still not ready with your gifts for Christmas my post with ideas might suggest you some ways of introducing the turquoise color in your interiors as a beautiful trendy accent.

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