
Fun Furniture

Furniture can have additional function - it can be a source of fun, too. Have a look at some great furniture designs that can trigger good mood and memories of childhood.

ana jimenez turns masks of mexico into furniture pieces
‘the double face’

ana jimenez los enmascarados mexican mask furniture
‘the drunk lady’

Even without their story of creation Mexican designer Ana Jimenez's ‘Los Enmascarados’ are fun and pleasure to look at - imagine getting up in the morning and seeing them. They can definitely be a source of good mood and inspiration for a good start of the day. Or in the evening - when getting back home from a difficult working day - their humour can make you feel better and think of other things, not your problems.  The five pieces of furniture reflecting the nation’s traditional masks to me are much more pleasure to look at than the originnal masks that inspired them.
ana jimenez los enmascarados mexican mask furniture
‘the devil’
ana jimenez los enmascarados mexican mask furniture
‘the old man’
ana jimenez los enmascarados mexican mask furniture
‘the buffoon’

Similar feelings evokes the Tabouret Montaigne by  Grégoire de Lafforest made ​​on the principle of the French toy “culbuto” with a fleet of lead. Leather jacket was created by Domeau & Peres:


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