Rugs are Getting Unexpected Forms lately - remember the interesting Gandia Blasco’s carpet MANGAS designed by Patricia Urquiola and presented at the Salone in Milan? Now the
Furoshiki rug by TemaHome - its unusual symmetric shape adds an impression of motion, along with an eye-pleasing, three-colour pattern which initially seems random, but is actually a well-constructed puzzle worthy of oriental logic. Its name remounts to the popular Japanese technique of gift-wrapping, which transforms most everyday items into smart-looking presents right from the outside. In reference to the Japanese wrapping technique, that protects objects for transport, the Furoshiki seams like a folded cloth. The rug’s pattern combines 6 different colours and is produced by hand in 100% wool from New Zealand. Created by the Portuguese designer Miguel Vieira Baptista.
Килимите придобиват все по-разнообразни форми. Може би Patricia Urquiola беше една от първите, които започнаха тази тенденция. На панаира в Милано тази година бяха показани много интересни килими MANGAS по неин дизайн за Gandia Blasco. А този килим по-горе с името Furoshiki е заимствал формата си от интересната японска технология за опаковане на подаръци. Предлага се от TemaHome.
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