
Kurrency - The Money Chandelier

The Los Angeles firm Stuart Karten Design suggests that instead of stowing your dollars under your mattress you should keep them in plain sight, hanging by the hundreds from its new light fixture. Kurrency is SKD’s new series of chandeliers made from genuine legal

Компанията Stuart Karten Design от Лос Анжелис предлага на американците вместо да крият доларите си под матраците, да ги използват за абажур - стотици от тях са окачени на полилея Kurrency, който те са проектирали. Целта им, според собственика на компанията Stuart Karten , е да предизвикат колкото може повече разговори по темата кой ги има, кой ги контролира и как те влияят върху хората и политиката.

“In today’s economy, there is perhaps nothing so beautiful as cold
hard cash,” designer Stuart Karten says of the chandelier’s materials. “But
money is beautiful not just because of what it buys. Bills from all cultures
display intricate artwork, unique textures and, most importantly, a beautiful
translucency under light.”

“Money is an important political topic – who has it, who controls it
and what implications that has for people and policy,” Karten says. “Our
goal for this project is to inject as many voices in that conversation as we
SKD has produced a prototype of the George model and is currently
working to expand the Kurrency line.

A good try on irony, but not as good design as their real products that can be example of the way design must serve industry - i.e. our quality of life. One of them is

[re]Drive - probably the most energy efficient external hard drive available.

Това вдясно е пример за значително по-сериозните дизайнерски продукти на компанията.

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