3D текстил! Това вече се оформя като тенденция сред младите дизайнери - столът, тапициран с 3D текстила на Helen Amy Murray, предизвика невроятен интерес на изложението 100% Design в Лондон миналия септември, а Hannah Allijn представи на Eindhoven Design Week през октомври тези красиви пердета от оригинален триизмерен текстил
It seems that 3D textile is fast becoming very trendy especially among young designers all over the world! Helen Amy Murray - from London created a 3D fabric in 2002 that brought her many awards and wide interest and was used to cover a chair for 100% Design event in London this September that collected a lot of attention and publishing.
This October Hannah Allijn showed in Eindhoven Design Week this beautiful 3D curtain and again gained a deserved popularity.
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